速報APP / 健康塑身 / Ab Cuts Time to Tone

Ab Cuts Time to Tone



檔案大小:13.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Ab Cuts Time to Tone(圖1)-速報App

ABOUT // “Time to Tone” is a health and fitness app that prioritizes YOU. The three-week program provides you with nutritional tips, workout demonstrations, and encouragement in order to treat yourself to a more balanced, healthier way of life. Led by fitness badass and TV personality Allison Hagendorf, and created in partnership with Ab Cuts Advanced, users are given the tools to bring their A-Game every day.

Ab Cuts Time to Tone(圖2)-速報App

FITNESS // There are NO EXCUSES with Time to Tone’s no-gym-equipment exercise routines. For people with busy schedules, frequent travelers, or those who just want to boost their fitness regimen with a new program, the app includes five workouts per week featuring simple movements with tips on how to perform each one with proper technique.

Ab Cuts Time to Tone(圖3)-速報App


Ab Cuts Time to Tone(圖4)-速報App

NUTRITION // When it comes to fueling the body, Time to Tone features Allison’s favorite recipe recommendations and healthy eating suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacking.Throughout the app, she coaches us to make smarter choices when it comes to topics like navigating a menu, grocery shopping, and understanding macronutrients. 

Ab Cuts Time to Tone(圖5)-速報App

QUOTE // “Time to Tone features some of my best health coaching tips and workouts presented in an easy-to-follow app program. As your coach throughout the three weeks, my goal is to help empower you to make choices that will best serve both your mind and body.”

BIO // Allison Hagendorf is a national television host & live announcer, health coach & behavior change specialist, and creator of FitToFeast.com. She is the Official Host of Times Square New Year’s Eve, The CrossFit Games Live Show, Refinery 29’s “Be a Badass” Series, and has hosted various shows on The CW, VH1, Fuse, and The Cooking Channel. Allison also serves as The Global Head of Rock for Spotify, so she also knows a thing or two about making workout playlists ;-)
